6 Benefits Of Drinking Milk - IMBDAILY

Milk has been enjoyed throughout the world for thousands of years.

By definition, it’s a nutrient-rich fluid that female mammals produce to feed their young.
The most commonly consumed types come from cows, sheep and goats.

Western countries drink cow’s milk most frequently.

Milk consumption is a hotly debated topic in the nutrition world, so you might wonder if it’s healthy or harmful.

A glass of 'milk' a day, keeps diseases away. Not just apples.

As adults, we're all well-acquainted with this idea that Milk is good for us. But beyond this vague notion, there are uncertainties revolving around the specifics of exactly why that is.

These three things are just a few out of many reasons why milk is needed in our daily diet.

Soothes Heartburn
There are many foods that contain acids that cause people to experience heartburn. One of the simplest - and yummiest - ways to alleviate this pain is by drinking a glass of milk. The cooling sensation and the thick consistency of milk help to coat the oesophagus and stomach lining to prevent heartburn.

Energy Booster
Milk is great for many things, but did you know it's also great for boosting your energy? When you're struggling to get through the day and you need a little boost, reach for a cold glass of milk. It will help you feel revitalized in no time.

Stress Reducer
Thanks to the many vitamins and minerals that are in milk, it can also work as a stress reliever. After a long, hard day at the office, sit down and drink a warm glass of milk. This helps to relieve muscle tension and soothe your nerves.

Several studies have linked milk intake to a lower risk of obesity.
Interestingly, this benefit has only been associated with whole milk.

A study in 145 three-year-old Latino children found that higher milk-fat consumption was associated with a lower risk of childhood obesity.

Another study including over 18,000 middle-aged and elderly women showed that eating more high-fat dairy products was associated with less weight gain and a lower risk of obesity.

Milk contains a variety of components that may contribute to weight loss and prevent weight gain.
For example, its high-protein content helps you feel full for a longer period of time, which may prevent overeating.

Furthermore, the conjugated linoleic acid in milk has been studied for its ability to boost weight loss by promoting fat breakdown and inhibiting fat production.

Additionally, many studies have associated diets rich in calcium with a lower risk of obesity.
Evidence suggests that people with a higher intake of dietary calcium have a lower risk of being overweight or obese. Studies have shown that high levels of dietary calcium promote fat breakdown and inhibit fat absorption in the body.

Milk is a nutritious beverage that provides a number of health benefits.

Moreover, it’s a versatile ingredient that can be easily added to your diet.

Aside from drinking milk, try these ideas for incorporating it into your daily routine:

Smoothies: It makes an excellent, high-protein base for healthy smoothies. Try combining it with greens and a small amount of fruit for a nutritious snack.

Oatmeal: It provides a tasty, more nutritious alternative to water when making your morning oatmeal or hot cereal.

Coffee: Adding it to your morning coffee or tea will give your beverage a boost of beneficial nutrients.

Soups: Try adding it to your favorite soup recipe for added flavor and nutrition.

If you’re not a fan of milk, there are other dairy products that have similar nutrient profiles.

For example, unsweetened yogurt made from milk contains the same amount of protein, calcium and phosphorus.

Yogurt is a healthy and versatile alternative to processed dips and toppings.

Disease Fighter
Over the last few decades, researchers have found that milk helps prevent many different diseases.
This includes its ability to help lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes. 

In addition, milk has the ability to reduce the production of cholesterol by your liver, and helps improve eyesight. 

There are some researchers who believe that milk can also reduce the risk of developing certain forms of cancer. 

Now that you know that there are way more benefits to drinking milk than you thought, you might be wondering if it matters what kind you drink.

 The short answer is no. 

You can choose skim milk, low fat milk, 2% or whole milk. All will provide the same benefits, just with different levels of fat and calories. 

So what are you waiting for? Go get a tall glass of milk and take advantage of milk’s amazing benefits!

How much quantity of milk should be consumed daily?
In order to get the full benefits of milk, including the nine essential nutrients, the USDA advises that adults should consume three servings of milk each day. A serving size is 1 cup of milk or yoghurt. So, go ahead-drink your milk. It's definitely good for you.


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