5 Mindful Habbits That Will Always Make You Happy - IMBDAILY

Every one wants to be happy every moments of their lives but still find them selves so sad every now and then

The truth is this, when it comes to happiness, we are our own enemies.

We all have that voice in our head that criticizes and says a whole lot of negative things to us.

Deep down, we always know that these negative thoughts are not practical but either way, we can’t help but listen.

So, here are 5 mindful habits that will make you happy at all times.

You are not your mind. So, don’t take your thoughts seriously.

Practically, if you take a step back from your mind and observe, you will realize that your thoughts can never be you in any way. You are in charge of your brain.

Always learn to see your brain as a tool, so negative thoughts should not control you.
The owner of a tool handles the tool and not the other way round.

Cherish/value your self all the time.

The closest friend you have is you.

If you can appreciate, your close friends and love ones, then you should also learn to appreciate the closest of them all and that is you.

True happiness comes from cherishing who you are right now. If you keep looking at what isn’t there you will never be happy.

If the negative voice comes in again tell your self that you are wonderful, unique and wonderful.
Always be you.

It is so bad that a lot of times we compare our whole lives with the out ward appearance of others.
It is very wrong to do that.

Each and every person in this earth is different and special.

So don’t stress your self comparing your self with others.

Meditation has always been a great way to learn to quiet the mind.
Meditation can be carried out by focusing on your breathe.
Focus on your in hale coming up and let go of your exhale.
Keep on repeating this simple process of watching your breath come and go, until you get used to it.

Accept your feelings

Stop struggling with your emotions. Stop wasting efforts to control every thing.
If sadness comes then be sad. If you are angry, be angry but always tell your self that it is just and emotion and it will surely pass.
Emotions are fleeting and don’t last forever.



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